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1955 Chevrolet

454,turbo400,4.11 9inch


Picture Gallery

Visit the photo page for pictures of Grannysmith also Clints 67 & Janes 60& Jacquis 64 Pontiac.+ Heaps of other cool rides.

thanks to JANE for getting this site up & running...You ROCK......

HOT Cars & Wagons.

1955 Chevrolet was dubbed the hot one.The first year of the mighty small block V8.It had 265 cubic inchs of grunt.A choice of auto or manual transsmion.

Some HISTORY of Cars

Grannysmith started life as a 4door sedan.Six cylinder three on the tree..It had major mods started in 1979.Tudor doors & a lefthand driver convertion kit was imported.A fiberglass tilt front was fitted.A worked 327 with twin carbs backed buy a M22 muncie & 4.88  9 inch.Best et was 12.9 @ 108 mph.

Grannysmith has a new rego plate



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3 SEXY 55's


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